006 – English Proficiency Book Release

July 4, 2017

We taught English Proficiency class last year. This year we found a need to provide our students with a text book on the material that we used. Under the aegis of Soham Academy we got this book printed this year.

This book was released at a surprise function organized at iFocus office premises on July 4, 2017. Our sincere thanks go out to Sri Vasudeva Sarma garu, Chief Coordinator of iFocus Mission, for gracing the occasion and to all the iFocus leaders who cheered for us.

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This book is a first for Soham Academy of Human Excellence. It is a big first for the author too! That it was launched on Toli Ekadasi Day is a great honour bestowed upon us by the Celestial Timings Manager.

Our sincere thanks to Paanini AD’Ventures for the book design. Special thanks to Kasi Reddy for all the help in rendering the book in the most beautiful way.

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