039 – Yoga competition at Hanuman Vyayamshala

November 18, 2018

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is HVS-7-Croppedjpg.jpg11 Soham Academy kids (4 boys & 7 girls) participated in yoga competitions at Hanuman Vyayamshala in Hyderabad. It was the toughest competition ever. Read on to know what and how we won in this event!!!

8th place in girls sub juniors category:
Two girls participated in sub-juniors, under 14, category. We got 8th place. To put things in perspective, over 400 girls from four districts participated in this category. 50 of these 400 were shortlisted to go to the second level. Both of our girls entered the second level. Finally 10 prizes were announced in this category. One of our two girls, Keerthana, got the 8th place. She is the youngest in our group. She is in sixth standard. You will find her in one of the pics below. The top six will go to the state level competitions. Keerthana will have a chance if there are any dropouts.

3rd and 6th place in boys junior level:
4 of our boys participated in this level (ages 14-20). Over 50 students, from four districts participated in this category. Only 6 prizes were announced. These 6 will participate in the state level competitions coming up soon. Our two boys, Ajay(3rd place) and Mallikarjun (6th place), will represent Hyderabad team in the state level competitions.

I know how hard these kids worked to get to this level. I have no words to describe the pain they had to go through to bend their bodies like never before.

Their gurus Vignatha and Bharat did an outstanding job. Kudos to their efforts.

Click here to know more about our yoga focus area.

Here are some pics from the event. Click on any pic to see the entire album.