050 – Robotics Assessments

Our kids have been gaining considerable strength in building simple electronics projects that are based on the Arduino platform. Their work started in October last year. They all went on a limbo owing to their public examinations. They came back with vengeance during the summer to pick up from where they left off! In the meantime their juniors who were in ninth standard did considerable work and even participated in the Science Day event. Their seniors did not have such luck as they were away for their tenth class public examinations.

Since they were all doing well, we thought we should have a mini Robotics Day of our own. We gave a chance to all the kids to test their skills. We assembled them and started asking some of them to draw circuit diagrams of a given project. Some of them were asked to assemble all the project components and run it. Everything must go smoothly.

Needless to say our kids did wonderfully well. They were fully prepared.

Click here to know more about Artificial Intelligence & Robotics focus area.

Here are some pics from the day.