056 – International Yoga Day at Microsoft

June 21, 2019

Our visit to Microsoft Hyderabad campus on 2019 International Yoga Day is one of the most thrilling experiences ever for our kids. We wanted to give a corporate experience to all our kids who perform extraordinary yoga asanas. Our kids gave public performances at many places including iFocus, Necklace Road, Amberpet Grounds, JNTU, and WellTech foundation event at Necklace Road. But going to a corporate setup and performing yoga in front their elite staff is a whole new experience altogether for our kids. The last time we stepped into Microsoft Hyderabad Office was in Nov, 14, 2017. It was a very special experience too. Last time our kids learnt a lot about virtual reality and other cool things. But now, it was time for our younger ones to teach them something that they would never expect to learn from kids – the possibility of bending their bodies in unimaginable ways.

What we cannot express in words is adequately expressed by the photos that we captured. The staff of MS were also seen incessantly capturing a number of photos.

We promised them that we will make them sweat. They did. Our yoga gurus Bharat and Vignatha made them perform certain basic yogasanas that are part of micro yoga routines. This requires them to hold their hands in the air and move them in patterns that require a lot of patience, attention and proper breath-in and breath-out techniques. They were all made to bend their bodies like never before (well for many). 

When it was our turn, our kids performed in small groups of twos, threes, and some time more, different complicated asanas. When compared to what the kids were able to do, the MS staff understood that micro yoga that they managed a few minutes earlier was kind of a walk in the park! The highlight of the day is our 10 minute concluding program – yoga formations by 23 kids in unison. The opening and closing prayers helped us all in grasping respectively what was about to come for our own kids and what has just happened for all the MS staff. All our kids were gifted a very beautiful metal water bottle each. These are likely to stay with them for the longest time. Each time they see it they are sure to reminisce many wonderful moments spent at MS.

As is the norm at MS, they provided our kids with a sumptuous lunch and delicious ice cream. Later we were all taken on a tour of the campus by the staff who spent time with our kids in the yoga hall. It was also the most thrilling part. The MS staff, with whom they initially felt intimated, suddenly started feeling very friendly and loving in a matter of minutes. By the time the tour ended they all became their loving brothers and sisters. Many of them came all the way to our bus to wave us good bye.

Another big season of yoga ends on a very highly positive note. This would not have been possible without the help of Mr. Laxmikant, a senior leader at Microsoft, who encouraged everyone to organize this event.

Mr. Surendra, a technical leader who heads the Artificial Intelligence division, helped us in initiating this program. He is one of the trustees of our academy who helps us in many significant ways in shaping our vision and our goals. His support for our key focus areas of Yoga and Robotics & Artificial Intelligence is adding immense value to the future of our kids. For this visit to MS, and our previous visit on November, 14, 2017, his team took care of all the minute details starting with the first call to all the way through the last good bye. They made every bit of the event filled with fun and energy that made it a lot more memorable for all our kids. These visits to MS certainly raised the aspiration levels of our kids in exponential ways.

Thank you Microsoft.

To know more about our Yoga focus area, click here.

Here are some pics from the event.