048 – Yoga & 5K at WellTech

April 21, 2019

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Another big day and another yoga performance + 5k Run by our kids of Soham Academy of Human Excellence.

We started our summer camp on April 8, 2019. Yoga is of course a chief component of our summer camp in addition to robotics, mathematics, computer skills and music. We got our first opportunity of the season to present a public performance by our yoga students. This event was organized by WellTech Foundation as part of their campaign to create awareness about malaria.

8 boys and 8 girls geared up for the show with less than 5 days of practice time. Many of these kids did not do any yoga for about 10 months owing to their tenth class public exam preparations. There are others who did not practice for two months as they were away for their final assessments. But they practiced hard enough to come out and give a wonderful performance. Pics below can speak to you better than what we can convey in words!!

In addition to these kids another 11 boys and 11 girls participated in the 5K run.

It was a wonderful start for our yoga season that culminates on June 21 – the International Yoga Day. Last season we gave four public performances. This year with International Yoga Day exactly two months away we already opened our score!!

All our efforts and yoga performances are helping our own kids and their families. In addition, those who watch our programs are getting inspired to learn yoga. This is our small bit of a contribution to create awareness about Yoga in and around Hyderabad.

A big thank you to Sonnakula Bharat and Mallepula Vignatha of Sudeha who worked with children all along to ensure a smooth performance on a large public platform! A big thank you goes out to Yogi, our sports guru for being there to guide our kids in completing their 5K.

Click here to know more about our yoga focus area.