054 – DD Yadagiri TV Coverage of Our Yoga Team

Last year during the Love Yoga Foundation event, many of our kids were on TV as they were walking along with a large flag of India. They were thrilled to see themselves on TV. We were also in the newspapers for our yoga performances. But, a TV channel, that too Doordarshan Yadagiri,  visiting us and requesting for our help on an exclusive show on our success in Yoga, is totally unprecedented for us. We agreed gladly and prepared our kids for the same.

They visited our office with large video recorders, stands, big bright lights and microphones that are nearly invisible when placed strategically on our shirts. Our kids were fully ready for the show, we decided to perform a few advanced yoga asanas and demonstrate some yoga formations. They told us in advance that they would ask a few of us, teachers, and some kids to talk about impact of yoga on our lives and the lives of our kids. We gave our children enough freedom to air their opinions as freely as they wanted to. We heard their opinions for the first time when they spoke in front of the camera looking straight into its lens!

3 boys and two girls spoke freely in front of the camera. I(Sahadev), spoke for a few minutes. Our Amberpet Government High School teachers Sri. Sreedhar and Smt. Madhu Shalini spoke too. The TV crew patiently recorded all our voices. The yoga formations were recorded too. Our kids held on to their yogic poses until the recording is completed and got a long awaited “relax” command from the director. We found it interesting and surprising that they wanted to record our prayers as well and telecast all of them without any changes.

The recording was done on the occasion of the International Yoga Day (IYD) on June 21, 2019. The recording was completed on June 11, 2019 – a good 10 days ahead. In the interim two of our kids also participated in a yoga quiz. On IYD we completed our first big performance of the day at the Sanjeevaiah park and soon after left for a celebration of IYD at Microsoft. The show was telecast at 10 am. We got the information about the timings way ahead of time. Thanks to DD Yadagiri channel who show their programs live on YouTube. Almost every one of us saw the program live on our smartphones. We were all on our way to Microsoft in a bus hired for the purpose. It was a very moving experience for all of us. It was watched by many of our teachers and parents from all over.

We are now officially considered as a success story as evidenced by an exclusive show on a prominent TV channel – Doordarshan Yadagiri. The entire credit for this goes to our yoga gurus Vignatha and Bharath who have been training our kids over two years now. They have their own start up, Sudeha, that helps kids of many schools in many places. The credit also goes to our kids who toiled like never before to be worthy of a success story that they are all part of.

So, here is the much awaited recording from YouTube. The video is 23 minutes 20 seconds short! Sit back, relax and enjoy the video. Listen to our kids speak and it will be a thrill to watch our kids perform some very complicated yoga asanas.

A big thank you goes out to Sri Ravi Teja and his team from Doordarshan Yadagiri channel for a beautiful planning and execution of this exclusive program.

Click here to know more about our Yoga focus area. 

Here are some pics taken at the time of recording.