025 – Shat Trimshat Awards

July 20, 2018

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_20180720_184811-1.jpgWhile the English Proficiency Batch 1 program was going on, something interesting was happening elsewhere! About 10 kids from our next batch of students were learning Samskrit slokas. What is interesting this year is that the teaching of slokas was done by our students from last year. They became gurus this year..

Every day at the end of our English Proficiency class for batch 1, these slokas students would swarm in and start chanting the slokas that they learnt that day. The number of slokas that they chanted increased slowly and steadily. By the time our English class was over these children were able to learn all the 36 slokas.

They would then be ready to take the ultimate challenge. They would be given a word from any part of any sloka. They have to identify the sloka and chant the entire sloka. All these children passed in flying colours. Therefore they were ready for the Shat Trimshaat award. Each of the students will get the author autographed Shat Trimshat book. This time the book was autographed by their new young gurus as well. It was a triumph both for the new learners and the new teachers too. 

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Here are some pics from the day. Click on any pic to see the entire album.

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