056 – International Yoga Day at Microsoft

June 21, 2019

Our visit to Microsoft Hyderabad campus on 2019 International Yoga Day is one of the most thrilling experiences ever for our kids. We wanted to give a corporate experience to all our kids who perform extraordinary yoga asanas. Our kids gave public performances at many places including iFocus, Necklace Road, Amberpet Grounds, JNTU, and WellTech foundation event at Necklace Road. But going to a corporate setup and performing yoga in front their elite staff is a whole new experience altogether for our kids. The last time we stepped into Microsoft Hyderabad Office was in Nov, 14, 2017. It was a very special experience too. Last time our kids learnt a lot about virtual reality and other cool things. But now, it was time for our younger ones to teach them something that they would never expect to learn from kids – the possibility of bending their bodies in unimaginable ways.


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055 – International Yoga Day at Sanjeevaiah Park

Our presence at big venues on International Yoga Day started last year with a program at JNTU on June 21, 2018 and a day earlier at Amberpet grounds. Eminent citizens from the region including current and past union ministers Sri Kishan Reddy and Sri Bandaru Dattatreya and others watched our performance at Amberpet. Yoga guru Sri Jagan Guruji, past Malkajgiri MP Sri C Mallareddy and retired IPS officer Sri VV Laxminarayana were among others who witnessed performance of our kids on at JNTU. The tradition continued this year.


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054 – DD Yadagiri TV Coverage of Our Yoga Team

Last year during the Love Yoga Foundation event, many of our kids were on TV as they were walking along with a large flag of India. They were thrilled to see themselves on TV. We were also in the newspapers for our yoga performances. But, a TV channel, that too Doordarshan Yadagiri,  visiting us and requesting for our help on an exclusive show on our success in Yoga, is totally unprecedented for us. We agreed gladly and prepared our kids for the same.


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053 – Summer Camp

April 15, 2019 to May 31, 2019

2019 summer is eventful in many ways. Our 2018 summer camp gave us a number of insights on what to offer in 2019. So this year we offered a total of six areas in which we can train our kids during our 2019 summer camp. These include Practical Robotics Level 2, Practical Robotics Independent Project, Learn and Sing over 12 Songs, Accomplish Typing with a minimum speed of 25 words per minute, Independent Drawing Assignments, and Advanced Yogasanas and Formations. (more…)

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049 – Launch of www.sohamacademy.org

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We now have our own virtual home – www.sohamacademy.org

In a huge step in the history of Soham Academy of Human Excellence we have established our own space in the virtual world. We have been around for over two years. But it is only from today we can boast of our own virtual home.

If people ask us for our address we can now say it is www.sohamacademy.org


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