056 – International Yoga Day at Microsoft
June 21, 2019
Our visit to Microsoft Hyderabad campus on 2019 International Yoga Day is one of the most thrilling experiences ever for our kids. We wanted to give a corporate experience to all our kids who perform extraordinary yoga asanas. Our kids gave public performances at many places including iFocus, Necklace Road, Amberpet Grounds, JNTU, and WellTech foundation event at Necklace Road. But going to a corporate setup and performing yoga in front their elite staff is a whole new experience altogether for our kids. The last time we stepped into Microsoft Hyderabad Office was in Nov, 14, 2017. It was a very special experience too. Last time our kids learnt a lot about virtual reality and other cool things. But now, it was time for our younger ones to teach them something that they would never expect to learn from kids – the possibility of bending their bodies in unimaginable ways.