004 – Learning to Learn

Feb 1, 2017 to Feb 24, 2017

Our first Learning to Learn class. This class is not done in the traditional way of completing the course for the first batch 2 and than repeat it for second batch. The classes for batches were done on alternate days. Day 1 – first batch, day 2 – second batch and so on. This worked out well in keeping the suspense going strong.

Click here to know more about our Learning to Learn program.

As part of the course we taught some magic tricks, some songs and some more slokas. Memory palace and mind maps were used as part of the learning methodologies. We asked our kids to do a mind map about themselves. We promised that we will publish the best mind map. As part of that the following two mind maps done by Chaitanya and Mithilesh Pandey were selected.

Here is a collage of all the magic tricks and songs.

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Finally here is the group pic. We gave biography books to all the participants.

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